Sustain Engagement and Strengthen the Foundations

Depending on the initiative, the time required for its successful achievement may easily be measured in years.
The focus on this process flow is to ensure that the change subjects are engaged, and the foundations created during the change execution, are solidified and strengthened.

During the execution of the change initiative, there may be periods of time during which it appears to the change subjects, that nothing is being done. And during these perceived periods of inactivity, it is necessary to sustain engagement of the change subjects.

The program of communications is necessarily long-term and when planning the required activities, the Communications Team will take this into account.

In the early stages of the change initiative the team took steps to create a sense of urgency. During these periods of time when it appears nothing is being done, there is a real risk that this sense of urgency may be lost.

To maintain the momentum it is necessary to involve the change subjects as much as possible.

Time is taken to revisit the Enterprise Change Plan, to examine the number of involvement opportunities available and planned, and maximise the opportunity to increase them.

This process has a focus on the execution of the integration activities within the Enterprise Change Plan.

The Enterprise Change Director and Team will:

  • Examine the solution being created, the actions required to implement it and any cross function dependencies
  • Integrate the solution with current state, to produce the future state at that point in time
  • Introduce support mechanisms where necessary
  • Progress communication cascades to ensure readiness of change subjects to accept the solution
  • Identify and progress follow up and follow on actions

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